The Angel's Game Wiki

Josh's homemade Aggravation board.

Aggravation is a board game played with two dice and eight game pieces, typically represented by marbles.

In The Angel's Game[]

Josh's grandmother, whose name meant "Angel", liked to play the game Aggravation using a homemade board, which used golf tees rather than marbles. In the video Picture.MOV, Josh finds a leather pouch containing seven golf tees and refers to one as looking like a "game piece". In the video I like surprises!, Josh finds yet another pouch, this time containing an eight golf tee and a pair of dice. In the video Aggravating., Josh figures out that the eight golf tees, the dice, and the strange drawing he found, which said "LET'S PLAY THE ANGEL'S GAME.", are likely referring to the game his grandmother played. This meant that whoever was hiding them for him had a knowledge of his family history. It was later revealed that the one leaving the pouches and notes was the Dweller.
